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Abundance: Sharpen your goal setting and achieving machine

Some people look at a glass and call it half empty while others can look at the same glass and call it half full. The way you perceive things is vital to your goal setting and your ability to achieve them.   You hear in the news about how tough economy is and how hard times are.  But, as long as there are people, there is someone buying something from somebody, so there are a lot of people making tons of money.  
Now is your time to decide to make things work for you. You have to change your outlook and determine to focus on the abundance all around you.  You can turn your life around this year. With a few conscious choices and discipline, you can set and achieve some long desired goals. You simply have to be willing to put in the work. 
Say to yourself daily, “There is abundance all around me” repeat it a few times a day and do it for at least 21 days until it sinks into your subconscious. You’ll be surprised at how energized and confident you’ll begin to feel about achieving your goals.
So let’s see what 5 components make up your goal setting and achieving machine:
Of course, #1 is, set goals, and be specific as possible.
Then #2, plan a strategy for achieving them, this can be simple if the steps are pretty clear, for example, if your goal is to become a lawyer then you know that you have to possibly take and pass the Law School Admission Test and go to law school. It’s pretty straight forward.
Other strategies to goal achievement may not be so clear. This is when you have to “discover” the steps to take to achieve your goals and part of this process is allowing yourself time to relax and visualize your goals, so that your subconscious creative power can help guide you in the proper direction. I know this sounds a little hokey but it actually works. 
This also helps with step #3 which is build belief, if you have a strong belief or conviction about what you are doing, it energizes you and gives you the strength to continue to pursue your goals even when obstacles arise. Belief is extremely powerful.
 #4 is develop strengths.  If you know that you are lacking in some of the skills or knowledge needed to achieve your goals, take the necessary steps to gain that knowledge.  Study the experts, read, take classes and do whatever is required to help you gain the skills and knowledge necessary to make your goals a reality.
Put in the work!
 And last but not least, #5 continually manage your progress and your process., proceed, revise and recycle.  Review your goals regularly, check where you are and forge on to the next step. Revise your goals if necessary, there may be a few things you need to change as you progress.  And recycle, sometimes things happen that put certain goals on the back burner.  It might be time to re-energize them and rev them up again.
Stay focused; keep your goals in the forefront of your mind this year. Practice these types of goal setting activities and you’ll be surprised at how much you accomplish this year!
If you’re serious about setting some goals and not letting this year pass until they are accomplished.  Leave a comment about the goal(s) you have set on facebook so we can cheer you on.
All the Best!
Renee Starms


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