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Master Your Thoughts and Win at Life!

There will come a time in your life where you will begin to notice what you are thinking. This is very good, and rather than just thinking, you will realize that you are your thoughts.  There’s a scripture in the bible that says” As a man thinketh, so is he” so it is good to observe of your thoughts. Once you realize what type of thoughts you are having, you’ll be able to control them better and determine what you choose to think. This is very powerful because you are not separate from your thoughts.
Deep huh?..... You become your thoughts and most of the time, you are thinking on autopilot with one random thought entering your mind after another. You can see, hear or smell something that triggers a memory, and your thoughts go on a rampage. Before you know it, you are emotionally invested in an old insignificant random thought.
Although the thought that you may be thinking at the time is a random thought, if you hold that thought for less than 16 seconds another thought like it will join in and so on and so forth; thus creating a whole string of “like” thoughts. This string of similar thoughts will then further create or activate a vibration; an emotion within your body, and before you know it you have just taken an emotional journey somewhere. Chances are this is a journey that you didn't intend to take, and you have just created it, unintentionally.
Creating unintentionally is no fun in life, because you are unaware of the power that you are wielding around at every moment. You are unaware that you are attracting to yourself the very things that you don't want, because of these constant unintended emotional excursions. Yes, your emotions are the vibrations that you put into the Universe. Every vibration delivers back to you an equivalent physical manifestation.
You may start with the thought that “I don't have enough”, and another thought joins in that says “I don't know how I'm going to make it”, and from there yet another thought joins in and says, “I never have enough” then up the rear comes the thought, “I'm tired of struggling” and it's cousin chimes in with “I can't win for losing!”. Before you know it, you have just activated a low vibration within you that makes you feel really bad and you have just begun the manifestation process of getting more of what you don't want.
Your life will prove your beliefs to you at every turn, and you will get more evidence of not having enough and of struggling. As you see more evidence of your thoughts, the evidence will cause you to continue more of the same thoughts. This will cause more of the same vibration, which will bring more of the same manifestation. It is a vicious cycle!
So let’s clean house!
The question is “What can I do to change or control my thoughts?”  Well, I'm glad you asked! The answer is simple, but simple often times leads to people not doing it. We want to complicate it, and study it and analyze it, and write papers and books about it. We want to attend seminars and be coached about it, but the truth of the matter is this:

1. Become the observer of your thoughts.
2. Be forward feeling rather than current looking.
3.Repeat, repeat, repeat.

Being forward feeling rather than current looking simply means to ignore reality, and go to the feeling place of how you want your life to be. I know it's hard to hear “ignore reality”, but the truth of the matter is that paying attention to and recording, and keeping score of the reality of the current situation of your life is only bringing more of that current situation to you, and nothing will change. You must see the unseen and feel the feelings of that, and this practice raises your vibration to match that which you desire, which then causes manifestation of the desire.
Find out what things and situations that you truly want in life and concentrate on them. Do these simple tasks;
  1. Write down a list of the things you want.(this has been proven to be very effective)
  2. Read inspirational books
  3.  Create a dream board,
  4. Go to places and do things that inspire you, for instance, if you have an idea what type of dream house you want go visit an open house of a similar house and visualize yourself being there.
I know this seems a bit strange but this is how we were created. We are wired to attract things to us in this manner. So it really makes no sense to go against our true nature.
I know, read it a few times and let it marinate!
If you are ready to develop yourself, your business and your life into what you desire... then follow these simple tips right here!
Wishing you the best!
Renee Starms


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