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Set A Schedule and Attain Your Goals!

Setting a schedule can be very hard for network marketers to do!  For some reason they like to say things like, “but I’m doing this so I can have flexibility with my schedule”.  That is TRUE.  However, if you want to have a successful business so you can HAVE flexibility, you need to have a schedule.  Here are some suggestions in helping you set your schedule:

  1. First put in any “other” work priorities.  In other words, if you work another full or part time job,  that needs to be marked out of your calendar.  You are not available during that time.
  2. Mark out any standing family/church obligations you have.  For instance, if you have family dinner Sunday nights at your in-laws, that’s an appointment, so jot it down.  Or, if you are a youth leader on Wednesday nights, that needs to be penciled in as well.
  3. Mark out kids sporting events.  Don’t compromise on this.  Family is high priority and no matter how much money you can potentially earn, don’t put money before your family time, you’ll regret this later,  so just document all of your kids events as an appointment.
  4. Pencil in a date night with your spouse at least 1-2 times per month.  Trust me on this one, it makes for a happy spouse!
  5. If you are at home with the kids, mark out times for getting kids off to school, homework time, etc.
  6. Don’t forget “pamper me time”.  Whether it’s working out, getting a massage, reading a book or taking a bubble bath, document it!!! You’ll be surprised how much you put yourself last. Remember to do this and you’ll be much more productive, have more energy and a better overall attitude.
  7. Personal Development/Meditation/Prayer – it’s best to spend at least 30 minutes every day doing something that will build up your mental strength.  We deal with so much on a daily basis and rarely get the chance to “woosaahhh”, so allow 30 minutes each day to either meditate, pray or read an inspirational book that will get you motivated and ready to conquer the world.
  8. Now you have your time available.  Mark CHUNKS of time that you can devote to your business.  Just because you have 20 hours left does not mean you can just say you’ll work “whenever”.  Specifically set aside days and times that you will be working your business, and the specific activities you will be doing at specific times.
  9. Next decide what that time will be spent on.  You will need to set aside time for prospecting, time for follow up calls, time for marketing etc.  The time will go quick, so pencil it in and stick to your guns on your time.
  10. You may decide that you need to get up an hour earlier to fit in an extra hour to work on your business.  Especially if you work another job.
  11. If it helps, color code your business time and highlight it in green – which means, it’s MONEY MAKING time!
You can change your schedule as needed. THAT’S the flexibility part. Having a schedule is absolutely necessary if you are going to have a successful business.   This is all apart of being an efficient goal setter and accomplishing a task towards it every day.  So don’t put it off, but get started today!
Here's a  FREE Goal Setting Mastery ebook so you can gain a clear focus on the steps it takes to achieve your goals.
All the Best!
Renee Starms


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