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Free Traffic Tips For Your Blog!

Avoid the trap of spending a great deal of time and money perfecting a blog that looks awesome,it doesn't matter what it looks like if it's not seen by the people who are looking for what you have. So many bloggers waste energy producing great content, but fail to get noticed. And this equals no revenue.
Some of the plainest blogs out in cyberspace are the ones that get loads of consistent traffic, because they understand how to get their content all over the internet. Every strategy that I will share with you here today is free. You will want to pay close attention to what I am about to say, because you can accomplish laser targeted traffic for free.
Automated processes really help with cutting down on major time spent in front of the computer. After an initial time investment with several sites, you will have your blog posts blasted to over 50+ sites simultaneously.
If you have a blog, you should also have at least one profile on each of the major social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn at the very least. There is a very easy way to link your blog to your social media profiles so that every time you create a new blog post it will automatically be sent to your social media profiles as well. Networked Blogs will connect your blog to your Facebook profile, while Twitterfeed will link your blog to your Twitter profile. Your LinkedIn account enables you to link your blog to your profile as well.
Another strategy to get more eyeballs on your content is to take blog posts and create individual Squidoo lenses for each post. When you put your content on trusted sites it creates backlinks that serve your blog well over time by generating a traffic stream from that trusted site straight to yours if they like what they see on your lenses.
You also want to comment on high profile blogs within your niche, because most bloggers have a feature on their blog that will list your blog's url with your comment. Just make certain that you are leaving valuable and engaging comments that add to the conversation.
These are just a few free strategies that you can start implementing today that will increase your blog's exposure, which leads to more traffic. Additionally, if you are giving valuable content, tips and training on the front end you are grooming your visitors to not only return,  subscribe and engage, but they will be more likely to follow what you are up to and convert to sales and more.
Social media is a gold mine for your blog if utilized in the proper way. Lastly, joining groups on these social platforms will further extend your reach, but just be certain to join relevant groups as it relates to your content. Otherwise you will come across as a cheesy spammer.
If you are ready to develop yourself, your business and your life into what you desire... then follow the breadcrumbs left by the top earners in the industry by clicking here.
All the Best!


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