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Grab Your Prospects Attention!!!!

Every network marketing business should be advertised. And the only way your business will gain exposure is to get it on as many peoples radar as possible.
Here are two ways to advertise and market your business that can surely grab your potential customers’ attention.
  1. Traditional Marketing
Of course, the tried and true ways of using good’ole offline methods which include;
Face to face -Hand out business cards in certain strategic places or events. It can get a bit tedious but you can strategize a bit and determine the best places to do this.
Flyer –promotional flyers are a practical form of business publicity especially if your budget doesn’t allow for expensive advertising.  It’s also a great way to target a large scale of customers in a single area.
What you have to do is design interesting and appealing flyers that can catch a potential customer’s attention at a single glimpse. Write a headline that can serve as a winning sales pitch like:
Tired of ineffective beauty products that offer false promises? Want to get your money’s worth? Try ours and get a money-back guarantee!”
You can also include this phrase to add effect:
“Visit our shop and present this flyer to get a FREE facial.”
Last but not least, place your contact info (name, phone number, address, e-mail, and website) at the bottom of the flyer and business card. Once it’s done, head to a high-traffic area in your community and start distributing your material. Make sure to hand it to your target customers, otherwise you’ll find your promotional tool headed into the trash.
Home Parties -
Based on what you market, conducting home parties to demonstrate your products is also a great way to get your prospects’ attention. Set up your home into a comfortable party setting. Keep the distractions away until the environment is conducive to your presentation. Prepare some snacks for your guests. Then send out invites to your friends, relatives, neighbors, acquaintances, and other people you know that may be interested in your product. Do this on a weekly basis and ask your guests to bring their guests for the next demonstration.
Sponsor an event in your community -
Is your neighborhood busy, preparing for an upcoming community event? This is exactly the kind of opportunity that you need! Grab your things, head out, and look for the organizers of the event. Ask them if you can be one of the sponsors.
Wouldn’t it be great to see your business name listed on the event flyers or mentioned by the host?  I thought so!! So don’t delay any longer, Pick up the phone now and get things moving forward.
                  2. Online Marketing
 It’s easy to start your own website nowadays. You don’t even have to pay for costly developers to create one. With the advent of the content management system, you can develop your personalized website/blog and begin marketing your business online. Of course, traffic is the key ingredient. Without it, your online marketing won’t work.
This is one area that I can’t emphasize enough because moving forward. Just about every business is going to have to have some online presence. If a business person wants to increase their earnings or create additional streams of income. Learning how to navigate through this medium is essential. And the primary thing is driving traffic to your site so more people see, and in turn you have more sales.
Let’s start driving traffic to your site with these methods:
      1. Social Networking Sites
If you haven’t joined a social networking site yet, you must be living in a different world. Social networking is the rage these days, and people from all walks of life are using it. Here’s what you have to do: Sign up for an account. Create a pleasing profile. And get ready to add many friends.
Once you’re done with the basics, start working on the real deal. Link your website to your account so whenever you post something new, you get to share it with all your friends via your wall. If you’re not content with a simple post, leave your friends a message on their respective accounts to come visit your site. Just don’t flood those messages with sales pitches; your friends may get annoyed and they may block you.
Social Groups/Discussions
 There are many online communities on the internet that you can sign up for like and There, you can find many prospects that you can do business with. Just go to the right category and start posting away.
You can also participate in an ongoing discussion—just make sure that you can really relate to the topic. Comment on the threads and promote your business when given the chance. Make sure to put a signature link at the bottom of your post. When your prospects click on the link, they will be directed to your website.
There are thousands of ways to advertise your business and get the customers to notice you. All you have to do is take time to research on the effective methods that will not only boost your sales but also grow your network.
When you feel you are ready to make the most if marketing online. It would be in your best interest to get the proper training to really understand how this whole medium works. You can get a great education here for only $9 for a two week trial period at MLSP.
If you are really serious and ready to do some life changing marketing then I would suggest you click this link to Futuristic Marketing.  They are currently offering a once in a lifetime training from the top 1% of marketers who are providing the most phenomenal training ever put together in one place.  Try and get it before August 1  and you’ll receive two tickets to an event held in San Diego that usually cost $2,000 to attend. These tickets alone are worth it. I can’t wait to attend “The Unstoppable Millionaire”.
Do yourself a favor and give yourself a real chance. If you are really serious about earning money online, don’t let this opportunity pass you by.
All the Best!


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