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Keep These 3 Areas in Mind to Stay Focused!

It is amazing how easy it is to get distracted, no matter how sincere you are about getting something done.  In the world we live in today, information overload is rampant. This alone can stress you out. Family and friend obligations can get a bit overwhelming. Then by the time you get ready to focus on a goal or something you have made up your mind to do, you are either exhausted, mentally drained and  just want to veg out in front of the t.v.
Well, this happens to us all but we have to make up our mind that we are going to continuously forge ahead no matter how we feel. I remember reading a quote somewhere that said, “It’s the habit of doing the things we don’t want to do that helps us reach the goals we want to achieve!”
Pushing through the mental and physical obstacles to get up and do something to move us toward our goals is key.  There are three basic areas to keep in mind when deciding to overcome these obstacles.
Physical, mental and spiritual, you have to feed all of these areas with the limited time you have.
Physical- Develop a thirty minute daily exercise routine. Even if it’s just stretching or doing a few jumping jacks and if you live upstairs, take them once or twice a day instead of the elevator.  Walking is also a great way to get in shape especially if you live near the beach and have sand to walk on or you live by hills so you can get that extra cardio kick. Try to take a 20 minute walk whenever possible.
You hear a lot about vitamins but taking vitamins and minerals is one of the best things you can do for your body. They help eliminate toxins, give you energy and can keep you in a good mood. I’ve been told a good mutli-vitamin and some vitamin c once a day is a good start.
Mental – focusing on the positive aspect in any given situation is always beneficial as opposed to focusing on the negative.  Make it a point to find something positive in what you see around you.
Taking vitamin C is also supposed to have a positive effect on your attitude as well.
Keep a journal and write down your goals. Then take a view minutes to visualize yourself “doing” and “being” what you desire.
Spiritual – whatever your belief, get in the habit of spending at least 15 minutes a day to meditate or pray.  This is very calming and relaxing. Clear your and think about how grateful you are for what you have. Also try to do something nice or help at least one person in some way.
I would say these are simple easy ways to get yourself in the frame of mind and body to get moving toward your goals. And the great thing is, that after you practice these things for a few weeks they become a habit.  You’ll be well equipped  to  tackle any goals or dreams that you desire to do. Be sure to get these goal setting mastery tips.
All the best!
Renee Starms


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