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Does Your Inner Superwoman Need Refueling?

Calling all Super Women!
For all of the  Superwomen out there juggling busy schedules; working, taking care of kids, running a household and even looking after an elderly parent, I take my hat off to you.
All of these obligations require a ton of strength. And do not mention getting sick or dealing with a sick child….whew!
Sometimes I sit back and wonder how my life got so complicated. It seems like just a little while ago I was a young lady graduating from school entering the workforce, being able to go pretty much go wherever I wanted to and do whatever I wanted. Not having to worry about paying a mountain of bills to keep the house afloat or working enough hours to do it.
You know, somewhere in the back of my mind, probably just to keep my sanity, I told myself that I can still do anything and go anywhere. And actually, now I can, because I made a decision to join an amazing company that has allowed me to take control of my life. Now, I’m not just be a victim to time, the all mighty dollar and circumstance.
I simply refuse to believe that I have to settle into the role expected of me without any way of being able to express my true passions. Traveling, enjoying quality time with my family, good food J,  and really helping people.  And when I say help, I mean not just giving a few dollars here and there or a little time. I mean giving people a fishing rod to learn how to be leaders and help other people up, and cause them to dream again. This is exactly what I am able to do working with Empower Network.
It’s amazing how positive and uplifting the Empower Network community is and how there are a multitude of examples of those who are successful taking care of their families as well as helping other people. There is truly nothing like it. I know this post sounds a bit hokey, but  check it out for yourself, just give yourself a month, I know you’ll be hooked, just like I am.
With Empower Network, if you follow 3 Simple Steps that are laid out for you. And just be consistent, you will find yourself creating the the freedom that you long for. And you’ll also have the ability to help others do the same thing. Now what could be better than that?
Go here and don’t waste another minute. See you on the other side. :)
All the best!

Renee Starms


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