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When are you going to get tired of sitting on the sidelines watching every one else get up and live? you know, it's not difficult to build self esteem and find happiness when you start going for your dreams and goals. Have you ever felt the exhilaration of starting your goals and feeling really good because you finally got up and started making things happen? That's a wonderful feeling... But some of us, in the back of our minds, we keep a little place for fear and a small voice says, "you're not going to keep this up". "You really can't do it so don't fool yourself" Then after allowing yourself to feel that wonderful energy of being and doing, you find any excuse to shut down and go back to what you've always done and that's dream about reaching a goal and talking about getting it done but not taking the daily effort to really accomplish it. We all psyche ourselves out like this at some point in our lives but it's the successful ones that learn to overcome it. Do you realize that this is a matter of life and death? It's true. Procrastinating can either make or break you. It can hinder you from living the life that you are truly capable of living and of being the person that you have the full capacity to be. I certainly hope you wake up sooner than later and do something about it so you can claim a piece of your heaven. Here are 3 little some suggestions to help you overcome procrastination. 1. Think of the most important thing that you want to do to reach your goals for the day and break it down into 10min activity intervals if you can. For example, if your dream is to write a book. create your outline and break down your chapters and write 10 mins a day. Do it for 21 days and then reward yourself on the 22nd day. This also help you make writing your book a habit. 2. When you find yourself not doing it (procrastinating), ask yourself these three questions and write them down. 1. Where am I? 2. What do I want to do? 3.How will I feel after I do it? 3. make sure you are clear on your ultimate goal vs. immediate desire. For instance, ask yourself what you really want- would you rather eat that chocolate right now or fit into the outfit you bought to go to an upcoming event? How will you feel today after eating the cake vs how will you feel at the event looking good in your outfit? You have to get real with yourself because it is a real factor in the quality of your life. You have to work for what you want. No one said things would come easy but you need to be grateful to have the ability to make choices and instead of being against yourself,love yourself and do what is best for you. I know it's not easy but it feels so good to know you are doing your part to make your life better. If any of this resonates with you and you are ready for a change. click this link and get involved with a community of people changing their lives for the better, getting healthy, making money and enjoying every bit of it! All the best! Renee Starms


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