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Showing posts from May, 2016

3 Simple Keys to Daily Blogging Success!

The 3 Keys to Blogging Success! So, you’re online and you have got your blog. Now what? 1. Know Your Why The very first thing anyone should think about when they first start any activity that requires dedication and consistency is, Why? Why are you doing it?  Are there circumstances in your life that you want to change. Are there people you need to take care of and provide for? Do you have a message that you desire to get across in order to help other people? Why have you decided to embark upon the wonderous  journey of blogging? I ask this question and suggest you think about it very seriously because just like with anything in life when struggles and obstacles come along you need to have a strong enough reason to continue. I know, it’s not the hardest endeavor to take on but if you start blogging you want to do it and do it right. After all, it’s your reputation and you are the one that will be sacrificing the time and effort to make it successful. I decided to discuss

Best Words to Use To have Your Content Shared!

  Here are  t he 5 most persuasive words in the English language: You Free Because Instantly New Ne il Patel is one of the most prolific bloggers and marketers to date. And he created this great infographic to show you which words to use on the various social media platforms to have your content shared and go viral.  This is a great place to start if you plan on doing any social media marketing.  Download this graphic, use it and let me know how it worked for you! Cheers!

How Do You Prospect?

Given the fact that there are many ways to market your business, you can do a bit of research to find out which way is more successful for you. I am taking about getting cozy with your numbers. You need to keep track of your activities and know which prospecting method or methods is working best for you. Some marketers like to simply do paid advertising and send emails to do the selling for them. This way all of your efforts are on auto pilot and you really don’t have to do much but make sure your system is running properly. And by the way, no matter what other methods you choose to use this particular one is critical to creating long term solid success for your business. I would recommend putting a sales system together no matter what else you do. Another great way, is to do a bit of social media prospecting. This entails reaching out to people on social media in various groups and on different platforms.  You can provide free valuable information and then send them to

What Does Your Business System Look Like?

Having an online business is one of the best decisions a person can make in this day and age. Given the fact that 2/3rds of the adult population are online for many hours a week and the majority of buying decisions are based on online research, this trend speaks for itself. But what makes a successful online business? Aside from driving traffic and having a high demand or great product, you need to have a system. Long term business success is based on creating a solid consistent automated system that is continuously working 24 hours a day. Remember, the internet does not close. It is said that a person needs at least 7 contacts or touches with your brand or product before they buy.  So once you have done the proper marketing campaign and garnered a ton of traffic to your offer, only a small percentage will actually make a purchase the first time they see it. For example; if 100 people see your offer and come to your page, 10 may check it out further and 2 will purchase.

Hey New Mommy!

Wow! Being a new mom can be overwhelming at first. To say the least! I remember when I had my daughter several years ago and when she was about a week old. We took her out for the first time to eat at a local restaurant. I was so nervous of germs, feeding her in public, her crying incessantly, etc. But aside from all of the little mundane things you learn to deal with when you become a new mommy, it is very important that you simply learn to relax……. Don’t sweat the small stuff And take care of yourself; mentally, spiritually, physically, and in every way that you can. New moms seem to have a tendency to get depressed because they feel like they have lost themselves and now their whole life is consumed with being a mommy. Well, this feeling does pass but before it does it is very important to get out and do things that make you happy, like go to a concert, see a movie with a girlfriend, etc. Also keep a journal and write down your goals and wh

So You’re A Blogger…. 3 Basic Tips to Reach Who You Are Talking To?

Over the past decade blogging has become pretty popular. It is not uncommon to hear someone say, “Oh, I think I’ll start a blog” but when you ask about what, most people will say, “Oh, I’m am gonna write about music, fashion or food….” Etc. It’s really great when a person decides to write a blog and share information about something they are passionate about but It is very important to understand your audience. And even though you may decide to write about something pretty basic, like a form of music or a certain type of food, you really need to understand who your audience is. Surprisingly enough, you may think you know all you need to know about who will be interested in reading your blog but here are 3 simple tips to keep in mind and keep you on track so you always get your content shared and reach the people who will appreciate it the most:      1.    Create a plan . You first need to ask yourself who are you talking to? How old is this person? what do they like? and wh