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Onward to Success Using These Daily Strategies!

There are 3 components to this simple daily strategy for success, but the hardest part is committing yourself to actually doing it. Once you commit yourself, the rest is easy peasey.  Success doesn’t come by accident, once you decide what you want, you have to work at it daily.
As you incorporate activities, no matter how small, into your daily routine which move you closer to your goal, you will to see a healthy momentum develop. This will help build your confidence and demystify the whole process of being successful.  Every great achiever implements daily rituals in their lives, so we want you to do the same:
1. Begin a morning ritual which includes the following aspects:
Spiritual – This could include meditation, prayer, gratitude writing, etc. Some form of connection to your Spirit.
Mental – Reading inspiring books, watching videos, any material that will stimulate your mind positively.
 Physical – Yoga, walking in nature, exercise. You want to get your body in motion and work up a sweat.
 Your morning ritual is most effective in durations of 30 minutes to an hour, with an hour being ideal. However, make it suitable for your needs. Keep in mind this is crucial to your strategy for success.
 2.Begin an Evening Review:
Indulge in the “Mirror Exercise” (Author of “Chicken Soup for The Soul”, Jack Canfield)
 ACKNOWLEDGE – With eye contact look in the mirror and acknowledge your wins and victories for the day – big or small. (For example I didn't lose my temper in traffic.)
AFFIRMATIONS – With eye contact look in the mirror and say the 5 core statements or use your own: I am enough, I am worthy & deserving, I forgive myself, I trust myself, I allow myself to receive.
I LOVE YOU – With eye contact look in the mirror and say to yourself “I Love You”!
 These activities are the act of taking care of you, nourishing yourself and working on your self-confidence and esteem. When we take time for ourselves, we are both consciously and subconsciously telling ourselves that we matter and that we are valuable; that our needs are important.
Some may say this is a bunch of hogwash, but the reality is most entrepreneurs are lacking the necessary self confidence and self esteem needed to be successful as a business owner. It will be impossible to attract leaders if you are not a leader yourself. This is precisely why so many people can't seem to make Network Marketing work for them. The time spent on building yourself up will pay off huge dividends. Just ask the top income earners! They will tell you all about the time they invested in THEMSELVES before they saw success. You have to be on “FIRE” and passionate about achieving your goals and the work you are doing. Your enthusiasm will spread like fire and others will catch on.  You just cannot get around it!
3.Write down your daily tasks to complete:
 Calling leads
Social Media posting – adhere to a strict plan and then move on!
Offline marketing including meet-up groups, one-on-one presentations, chamber meetings, drop card marketing.
Whether you do online or offline marketing, or a combination of both, you want to write out your tasks clearly and check them off as you go along during the day. Doing this concrete action plan daily will net you tremendous results; and you will see yourself transform into the leader you knew you could be.
It has been said that once you develop a routine and stick to it for 21 days it becomes a habit. These are the habits of success so you definitely want to take the time to develop them. The benefits will be more than you expect and will pay off much sooner that you can imagine.
If you are ready to develop yourself, your business and your life into what you desire, then follow the breadcrumbs left by the top earners in the industry by clicking here .
All the best!


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