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Conquer Your Goals Part 1


Conquer Your Goals- Part 1

What is it that you truly desire that you have put off and put off forever?

What’s keeping you from getting it done or even taking a step toward doing it?

That’s a loaded question…

You know why?

Because it really covers so many things and there’s not just one simple reason why you haven’t moved toward what you really desire.

It’s complicated.

There is inner work that needs to be done in order for you to get serious about crushing your goals.


Nine times out often, I bet you have everything that you need to get it done.

It’s not done because of the stories you are telling yourself.

Here are a few questions that you need to ask yourself. And get really really serious when you answer them.

As a matter of fact, get a special journal, to put your answers in, so you can refer to. 

Take your time with each question. Even leave room to write more if you choose too later.

No here are the questions. 

I learned this from Stormy Wellington.

Answer them as thorough and truthfully as you can.

1.       Why Am I Here?  

There’s a reason for you being here at this time despite what you may have gone through.

2.       What Do I Desire to DO/HAVE/BEcome?

3.       Why Do I Desire to Do It/Have It/BEcome It?

What drives you to want to do/have/be this? Go all the way back to childhood.

4.       Who Will It (I) Serve?

We have the greatest success when we are of service to others.

5.       What Price Am I Willing to Pay?

You have to be ready to give up something in order to achieve your goals; tv, snacks, shopping, even people.

6.       Put a Date on it?

Yes, set a timeframe for you to achieve your goals. This helps you create a plan of action. As a matter of fact, 90 days is a great time frame for a few reasons.

7.       How Much AM I Willing To DIE of SELF in Order to Become/Accomplish My Goal?

This is mostly about ego and being humble enough to take instruction (from whatever expert you need to) in order to accomplish what you want. You need to be ready to give up what doesn’t serve you or help you move forward. Even people, and be ready to stand alone.

Are you ready?

P.S. Don't forget to download your copy of the Action Blueprint.




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