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The Top 10 Things I Like About Blogging

Well, it’s getting close to the end of my work day. I have a three year old that will be home from daycare soon so there is no way I could continue to work. One thing I ‘m really grateful for though, is the fact that I can arrange my day the way I choose and pretty much accomplish what I set out to do if I use my time wisely.
This is one of the great things about being a Blogger and choosing to build and internet marketing business. I ‘m beginning to get the hang of it and I really believe those of us doing this are in the best industry around today. 
It really doesn’t matter what Profession or business someone is in, it is pretty apparent that going online is becoming more and more vital. Previously, I was letting the whole internet technical world just pass me by, now I feel like an old Grandma trying to catch up, and every day there seems to be something new  to learn. With that said, I’m glad I have finally come aboard and here is a list of the Top 10 Things that I like about Blogging and Internet Marketing:

1.       You can blog about anything, just pick a topic or ask a question of interest and get feedback.
2.       You can create a stream of passive income from multiple sources online, like affiliate marketing, MLM, network marketing and so on.
3.       No time constraints, you have the freedom to work when and where you choose.
4.       Creating your own list; this is huge because once you get a following or subscriber base, you can cross sell and earn an income promoting or providing a service to whomever you like.  You own your own list and it is very valuable.
5.       You can learn something new every day; you stay abreast of the latest changes, which is going to be critical moving forward.
6.       You meet lots of interesting people, and you can structure your life around the people you chose, you can work with whom you choose and not have to put up with people whom you find difficult to deal with.
7.       It’s getting easier and easier to work online and much more acceptable and respectable.
8.       Unlimited income, you determine how much you want to make and what type of lifestyle you want to create. It’s all about the time and resources that you decide to put into it.
9.       Information to learn how to start a business, and with very little capital investment is readily available at your fingertips.
10.   The learning curve is lessened if you connect with the right opportunity or idea.
There are so many great things about building an online business, they’re really too numerous to count. Besides the money, there are so many people that you can help.  Many people need to be taught about this industry.  Every time you turn around someone is losing their job, many fortune 500 companies and the government s have laid off m any people who thought they would be financially secure, be working  for years and have a decent retirement. Those days are long gone. The landscape is changing every day. It’s time to get on board and learn everything you can about building you own business, offline and online.
Once you learn how to market successfully, you then teach others. Like “each one teach one” and that’s the beauty of this business if done properly. You are positioning yourself to earn unlimited income but at the same time, creating real value in other people’s lives and making a difference for so many. It is something to feel good about when done properly.
If you agree with me, visit me on facebook, like my page, then leave a comment about any online opportunity you’ve heard of, any training you’re interested in or know of.  Just share any information that you may know about any techniques, etc. 
Let’s close out 2011 productively and move into 2012 with high expectations of success!
All the Best!


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