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Prospect to Win!

Have you ever wondered how some people can find people to talk to and sell them their opportunity to easily while others struggle and can’t seem to get past a simple introduction? Well, those who have mastered the art of prospecting and recruiting know that there is a system, albeit and simple system involved that needs to be implemented to complete the process of prospecting to closing.
Those who have taken the time to master the simple steps involved in the prospecting process, have increased their results dramatically and made their sales goals a reality.  You always hear marketers say, “buy this and have instant selling success” or” this will create sales for you automatically”.  I must say, there are good systems out there but nothing is going to do your job for you. You have to roll up your sleeves and learn the proper prospecting techniques to close sales, even in the internet marketing industry.
If you want to earn an income online and free yourself from you financial crisis, your awful job,  take your dream vacation, etc, etc., take the time to invest in yourself.  There’s a lot of free information online and you simply need to plug in. Be mindful to follow the steps diligently and as with anything else, practice makes perfect.  I can truly tell you from experience that the rewards beyond great.  You’ll be giving yourself the best thing ever if your goal is to be a successful salesperson or marketer.
Once you have created your funnel and you begin getting people to talk to, don’t let them go to waste by not processing them properly.  Whether you meet them online by social networking or at the grocery store, you need to follow these simple techniques to make sure you have done everything you can to give them the opportunity to make an informed decision about what you have to offer as well as properly processing whatever leads come your way.
I have created a checklist booklet to guide you in this process. Simply enter your name and email address on my site,
I will gladly send it to you absolutely free to start you on your way to prospecting success.
Feel free to leave me a comment on facebook and let me know how it worked out for you.
All the Best!
Renee Starms


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