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Best Advice for Newbies: Get to The No Excuses Summit III

Okay, I must admit, I really don’t like being told what to do and when you hear someone say, “Get to this event” I always think, why? Is it going to drastically change my life in some magical way.   9 times out of 10, you don’t get much out of it and it proves to be a waste of time.
 Well, when I attend the No Excuses Summit II last year, I had a totally different experience. I am sooo glad that I scraped up my change (and dragged my family along) to attended the No Excuses Summit II.  It was the best thing I could have done, I have never been so inspired. Even to this day, a year later, I am so grateful that I went. When you hear the speakers on the webinars tell you it is life changing, it truly is.
You see, if you plan on “really, seriously,” making this business work. You need to get plugged into the community of marketers.  You not only have to learn the best techniques and acquire the right skills and mindset. You have to build your brand and a big part of building your brand is video marketing.  Having video interviews with the “gurus” is a great way to jump start your brand. This alone was worth the trip. Not to mention the encouragement and sense of community I felt. Going to No Excuses gave me the “juice” that I needed to remain in the game for the next year.
Although I attended, I didn’t really know what steps to take to make my business successful. I hadn’t figured out my direction or what I wanted from this business. So I kept things real generic at first, I wanted to get the basics down and develop the right daily strategies for me. So what I did was, make sure I spoke with the leaders in the industry and got advice on what steps I should to take to move forward.
This community is filled with some of the most helpful and caring people. I literally met people from all over of the world; South Africa, Australia, Europe, etc. and even in my own backyard.   There is nothing so motivating to me than seeing people who are making an awesome living or striving to make a living in this industry.  
You see, it’s amazing how new it all is. Just think about it, NES is only in its 3rd year, yet… it’s the biggest internet marketing event of the year worldwide.  Those who understand how powerful internet marketing skills are will not let such an opportunity pass them by.  The people in this industry are the ones who are going to help lead many others to financial freedom.  The NES event is not going anywhere, and how fortunate are we to have the opportunity to be on the cutting edge and acquire all the very best skills necessary to succeed. When we look back 10 years from now, I believe the professionals in this industry will be the most sought after because everyone (and every business) will need to know something about internet marketing to survive.
So do yourself a favor, don’t miss this event. I know that you will thank me later for telling you to go. It doesn’t matter the cost right now because you are truly investing in your future. I have FOUR children  and my husband still works his nine to five.  He thought I was nuts when I told him we had to go to NES II, now he’ sooo happy and excited that we went.
Check out the video interviews I did to your right.  Then be sure to get your tickets right here.  Lastly, let me know that you got your tickets on Facebook.
I hope to see you there.
All the best!


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