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Really Take the Challenge!

You know the average person appears content just getting by. But we all know that’s not really true!
As we get older and take on more responsibility. It gets harder to be motivated to get up and do things we know we should do because they would benefit us in the long run.  Even the thought of taking on an additional activity can seem exhausting. But how will you ever get closer to a personal desire or goal if you don’t do something daily, even a small step, to reach it?
We are in a constant time challenge, dealing with spouses, children, relatives and even friends. We are forced to juggle work, family obligations and social activities. This is just the way our society is structured, and it can certainly take a toll.
So when someone approaches us and says, “Hey, I heard about this 90 day challenge to lose weight and get in shape you wanna join me.”
Now, I know the first thing that comes to my mind is “hmm…..hell to the no, I have waaay too much on to do already!”
Now just stop for a minute……
How many times do we put off something that we know is good for us to do?
Yes, you might skip that little daily nap or miss an episode of your favorite reality tv show with the little free time that you currently have, but wouldn’t you rather be doing something productive with your life then just sitting on the sidelines watching others move forward?
You will always have things to do. And yes life does seem to get more complicated as we get older. And heaven help us should we be faced with dealing with an illness or other serious situation at the moment.
Let me share something with you……
No matter what you are dealing with at the moment even if there is a serious situation you are currently facing. You have to take time out for yourself; physically, mentally, spiritually and in all aspects of your existence.  Because if you do not, things are not going to get better...they will get worse.
Don’t be a typical lazy dreamer or procrastinator!
You will be surprised at what a positive impact doing something that makes you feel better will do for you. We are very interesting creatures and we live in a very interesting world, on all levels. When you make your mind up to move forward, the world around will open up and assist you. Don’t believe me? Try it!
When you decide to take that little extra step…. Just declare it, first to yourself then write it down. And if you choose to, let others know.
Determine to challenge yourself starting TODAY with the first step being to declare what you desire to do. It’s okay if you’re afraid or if you don’t have a clear plan, it starts by declaring it. Let it sink in, think about it today, sleep on it and don’t allow any negative thoughts to abort the idea before you even begin.
So what have you put off that you really desire to do? Where do you feel your challenge should start?
Is it your health?  Exercising? Losing weight?
Is it learning an instrument? A new skill? Starting a business?
Is it Financial? Writing a book?
I’m truly curious…
Like my page Facebook Page and leave a comment about your challenge and do comeback and share your progress.
Wishing you the best!


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