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#1 Reason You Should Give Empower Network A Try

Well, its been over a year now since the very successful launch of Empower Network, the blogging platform that takes away the technical aspect of being a successful blogger.
Not to mention, you can earn 100% commission while you learn how to blog. They have a very interesting compensation plan , explained in more detail here.
The thing that I have found incredibly wonderful about the program is the community. You get allot of encouragement and you learn many different skills and techniques to make money online. No matter what type of business you are promoting.
I have to admit, I lagged behind and went about things the long arduous fool-headed way that only causes you to go broke.  Thank God, I finally woke up and instead of playing with my business, I committed myself to becoming successful so I decided to use the best tools at my disposal to the fullest.
Empower Network, is one of the tools I plan to use to the fullest and here’s why;
What is it, exactly?
Is it a turnkey mlm lead generation system?
Is it a full-blown online attraction marketing funnel?
Is it a super-sexy affiliate program?
Or is it designed as a funded proposal or to replace your primary network marketing business?
Let’s take a closer look…………
Empower network is a fully functional and fully optimized blog  So all you have to do this plug in your information; your name, bio and picture, now that‘s a quick easy setup. It can take less than 20 minutes and you’re up and running with nothing to install.
So now you goal is to;
  1. 1.       Blog Daily
  2. 2.       Market Daily
  3. 3.       Make Money
So let me ask you this? What are you going to blog about? And why would you do that?
If you were not able to answer those questions immediately and without hesitation – then I would suggest you venture over, join our team here and you’ll get complete access to my private team training site where we’ll discuss exactly what you need to be blogging about and why.
One you do start blogging everyday… even more important is to know how to PROMOTE YOUR BLOG – because if you miss this step you will have wasted your time. Social Media elements such as “share this” and the RSS feed is already coded. (Hint: If you do not promote your blog posts you will never get traffic. No traffic means no visitors and no visitors means no sales and no commissions earned!)
But hold on, there are two very important things that you must know to make money with the empower network. So let’s talk more about them now…
Understand, those who already have a list will make money very quickly but for those who do not have a list, they have to build one….The money is in the list.
It only costs$25 per month to join empower network and get your own blog, but if you want to make money with the program you must also sign up for e-wallet which is an additional $19.95 a month so commissions can be deposited directly into your bank account.
Basically, e-wallet is like PayPal and how it works is Empower Network (the company) processes all orders and refunds. They handle everything. Then, once a week, they deposit your earned 100% commissions directly into your new e-wallet account. From there, you can have e-wallet send you a check or make a transfer of your monies directly into your bank account.
Signing up for e-wallet is not a big deal.
They have a short video tutorial that walks you through the entire process which takes about 10 minutes – Pretty easy stuff.
Empower Network for Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is simply selling another person’s product or service to earn a commission and it is by far one of the fastest, easiest ways to get started making a significant income online.
But if you want to get paid in affiliate marketing or even by the empower network – YOU must “set up shop” and start learning how to promote whatever it is you are selling.

Empower Network for Network Marketing
Empower Network can be used as a lead generation, funded proposal type of system.
Simply add highly targeted, keyword-rich articles to your blog – and promote each post to rank well on the search engines.
Consider putting together a short “bootcamp” showing other frustrated network marketers exactly how they could best use EN to generate daily leads on demand, pocket a few extra affiliate commissions and back end their primary. With that said, Empower network, if promoted properly, can be used effectively as an online lead generation system.
The question you need to be asking if you are serious about building a profitable business fast online is HOW are you going to get your products, services and business opportunity in front of people WHILE they are ACTIVELY SEARCHING for whatever it is you are promoting.
HOW do you get your content, your offers and your wisdom to rank on the search engines for the keywords and phrase real people are actually typing in every day when they sit down in front of Google, Yahoo, Bing and Youtube?
Unfortunately, the way the internet works is they rank OLDER SITES with MORE AUTHORITY higher than they rank newer sites with less authority. This means you can literally being doing everything right… but if you have a brand new domain and a brand new web site – you simply will not get any search engine for 3 to 6 months.  So this is where Empower Network comes in, you get an INSTANT AUTHORITY BLOG that ranks!
So you can get in, get busy and start producing results almost overnight. This changes the game completely – regardless of what you are currently promoting or will promote in the future.
Having an authority blog at your disposal puts the odds of success greatly in your favor and gives you a solid 3-6 month head start over those who are setting up their own blogs from scratch because a new blog simply does NOT have any age or authority and simply WILL NOT rank well on the search engines for a good 90-120 days or longer.
Our Empower Network Team Benefits
Joining with my team will provide you with key marketing strategies that will show you how to do 2 things
  • Grow your list of leads
  • Help you market to them to build your business
We know that developing the skills of Internet Marketing can lead to multiple avenues of success for you, starting with Empower Network and a massive opportunity for Financial Success. Without a doubt our team can provide the support and training needed and put you on the fast track to creating wealth. Just be sure you are able to do the following before making a decision:
  • Be Committed
  • Be Consistent
  • Stay Plugged In
  • Follow our System and plug your team in so they can do the same
So with that said, get in, get busy and get on your way to making 2013 your best year and start creating the success and wealth you desire with Empower Network!
All the best,


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