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Do You Have An Intended Course of Action?

Okay, now that all of these these things are out of the way, what are you going to do about it? What are your intentions? Are you going to allow fear to stop you from letting your actions align with your vision? If you do, your goals and desires will be just daydreams. And if you’re tired of living on the sidelines you need to get up now and do something about it.
I’m not trying to come down hard on you as if I have the all of the answers or know your situation. But one thing that I do know is that most of us need to get out of our comfort zone, stretch ourselves and take action. And sometimes it takes someone to tell us or some event to change us and make us take action. I’m serious, do you realize all of the people around you waiting for you to get up and make a change? Your children, your spouse, even friends and co-workers because when people see you get up and reach for your dreams, it’s like a magnet and you restore hope and strength to those around you.
If you have an idea for a business or a passion to do something you need to take the first step, just research it and see what’s needed to get going. And if you ever wanted to sell anything online it’s time for you to get the training. And some of the best training to build a successful business online, with a supportive community is right here.
You can also earn while you learn, so there’s a double benefit. A readymade blogging platform, to immediately get your message across or share your wares, 100% instant commission paid directly to you, as well as exposure that you could never get just starting a venture in your local market or online by yourself. Not to mention the ridiculously low entry fee that will at least provide you with the opportunity to check it out and get access to internet marketing training from some of the best in the industry, hands down.
I know this sounds a bit “salesy” but when you find out how empowering and life changing this situation is, you’ll be feeling the same way. And you’ll be happy to share this with as many people as you possibly can, just like me. Don’t let fear make you lazy, take a look first then decide.
I am grateful to have started my journey to reach for my dreams. If you have the desire and vision to do something that you know would make your life fulfilled then it’s time to stop putting it off. Set your intentions with laser focus to go for what you want and just get started now in 2013. I wish I had the courage to have started much sooner but I invite you to do the same. J
All the best!
Renee Starms


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