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Hey New Mommy!


Being a new mom can be overwhelming at first. To say the least!

I remember when I had my daughter several years ago and when she was about a week old. We took her out for the first time to eat at a local restaurant.

I was so nervous of germs, feeding her in public, her crying incessantly, etc.

But aside from all of the little mundane things you learn to deal with when you become a new mommy, it is very important that you simply learn to relax…….

Don’t sweat the small stuff

And take care of yourself; mentally, spiritually, physically, and in every way that you can.

New moms seem to have a tendency to get depressed because they feel like they have lost themselves and now their whole life is consumed with being a mommy.

Well, this feeling does pass but before it does it is very important to get out and do things that make you happy, like go to a concert, see a movie with a girlfriend, etc.

Also keep a journal and write down your goals and what you want for your life. Don’t lose sight of what you want to do or become. This is valuable because it helps you maintain your self -esteem.

And another very critical piece of advice I could share with you is to TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!

Eat healthy - good snacks, lay low on the sugar and drink lots of water.
Get your rest – even if you have to pay for a sitter.
Walk if you can’t exercise and get outside in fresh air.

Well this is my two cents from a mother of two naturally and four by marriage.  J


P.S. if you need a way to generate income from home (no b.s.) then get more information here and a free gift right here.


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