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So You’re A Blogger…. 3 Basic Tips to Reach Who You Are Talking To?

Over the past decade blogging has become pretty popular. It is not uncommon to hear someone say, “Oh, I think I’ll start a blog” but when you ask about what, most people will say, “Oh, I’m am gonna write about music, fashion or food….” Etc.

It’s really great when a person decides to write a blog and share information about something they are passionate about but It is very important to understand your audience. And even though you may decide to write about something pretty basic, like a form of music or a certain type of food, you really need to understand who your audience is.

Surprisingly enough, you may think you know all you need to know about who will be interested in reading your blog but here are 3 simple tips to keep in mind and keep you on track so you always get your content shared and reach the people who will appreciate it the most:

     1.  Create a plan. You first need to ask yourself who are you talking to? How old is this person? what do they like? and where are they?

For example;

If a person likes ballroom dancing, are there any dance studios they frequent and if so, is there a website where you can be a guest blogger /content provider to get exposure and link to your blog.

Are there any stores where they purchase their dance attire, and do they have a website?  then do the same tactic.

2.       Research and find at least, the top 3 places the dancers you want to reach hang out online; any social forums, FB groups, other blogs etc.

Read through the feeds to see what these dancers are most concerned with, then enter into the discussion if you have any value to provide. Then write a blog that further explains or helps solve an issue and place the link to your blog within your response.

3.       Don’t be afraid to put a call to action in your blog post asking for your reader to share with other dancers who may find this information helpful. And of course, you want to include share buttons on all of your blog posts (like

There are many other ways to reach your audience and create a successful community of your very own by blogging, but you must remember to ask, Who are you talking to?  Just keeping this question at the forefront of your blogging efforts can help your blog go along way.

If you have found this information helpful and know someone who might benefit from it, please share it!  


P.S. If you are looking to monetize your blog and want to get tips and tactics to generate income online be sure to join the FREE $100 A DAY Tribe


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