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What Does Your Business System Look Like?

Having an online business is one of the best decisions a person can make in this day and age. Given the fact that 2/3rds of the adult population are online for many hours a week and the majority of buying decisions are based on online research, this trend speaks for itself.
But what makes a successful online business?
Aside from driving traffic and having a high demand or great product, you need to have a system.
Long term business success is based on creating a solid consistent automated system that is continuously working 24 hours a day.
Remember, the internet does not close.
It is said that a person needs at least 7 contacts or touches with your brand or product before they buy.  So once you have done the proper marketing campaign and garnered a ton of traffic to your offer, only a small percentage will actually make a purchase the first time they see it.
For example; if 100 people see your offer and come to your page, 10 may check it out further and 2 will purchase.
And this is a pretty good ratio! But of the 100 people that see your offer, wouldn’t it be great to continue to get in front of them with your brand and product?

 This is where having a system in place can increase your revenue dramatically.  So 10 of the 100 people who visit your site, who choose to check it out further, you want to make sure you have a subscriber list to gather their email. This way, they can receive emails from you (not too many) on a regular basis and get to learn more about you.
And as you do this, they are getting their 7 contacts with you on autopilot. Pretty much taking care of the relationship building.  Isn’t this great?
You don’t want to “push a product” in every email. Provide value, share a client story or tell the story about why you sell or provide the service that you do.  Us the 80/20 rule and only promote your product 20% of the time.
When you do promote your product, send an email that clicks to your sales page. And Viola!
You are making sales on autopilot.
This is the name of the game……you want to have a system in place that is generating sales for you even when you are not working. This is crucial to long term success for an online marketer.
If you are ready to put together you own automated sales online system or you want to learn more about it as well as other parts of creating a rocking online business. click this link and be on the lookoutfor additional valuable information. 

You'll also receive my free gift to you where I share the 7 steps to successful social media marketing.


P.S. If you are looking to monetize your blog and want to get tips and tactics to generate income online be sure to join the FREE $100 A DAY Tribe


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