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Rank High with These Simple SEO Tactics!

SEO Strategies for 2016:

When people hear the term “SEO” which stands for Search Engine Optimization, they usually assume that it refers to some heavy duty detail involved technical stuff.

But in truth, when it comes to a small business owner, it means putting a few simple things in place with occasional monitoring. This will ensure as many eyeballs as possible land on their website.

When done properly, this can make using the internet and social media to grow and stabilize a business very easy.

 SEO breaks down to two components: Off-site and On- site SEO strategies.

On-site Strategies:
Visit and check the overall performance of your site. This site will give you a report card and point out the areas where you can make improvements. (They have a 14 day free trial and no credit card required to sign up.)
2.      Make sure your website is mobile ready.
3.      Make sure your website loads quickly
4.      Make sure your images are web friendly.
5.      Building quality links over time is helpful. – do not buy links. You can use which is a tool to analyze your backlinks.
6.      Make sure your content is relevant and arranged in a user friendly manner – creating high quality content is important when it comes to building quality links.
7.      Title tags should have quality keywords – find out which are the top ones for your industry by google search.
8.      Meta descriptions should be keyword rich
9.      Have a clean url. Your url structure is important.
10.  Ex. isn’t as good for seo and as user friendly as
11.  Remove spammy, artificial, or low-quality links to your website with link disavowing. Google “how to use google disavow tool” and follow the instructions. This will remove bad links that could be hurting your sites rank.

 Off-Site Strategies:

1.      Submit your business to the following local directories for better SEO:
ü  Google My Business
ü  Bing Places for Business
ü  Yelp
2.      Google gives a decent amount of authority to social sites so the more your site is mentioned on social media the better your site’s rank will be in the search engines. So do post your site’s link on whichever social platforms you use on a regular basis and give people a reason to share it.
3.      Replace any inactive links with active links to sites within your industry. 
Use this dead link checker and then notify the site where the link came from and ask if the link can be replaced with your active link instead.

4.      A guy by the name of Brian Dean of uses what is called the “Skyscaper Method”
Just Follow these steps to try The Skyscraper Method for yourself:
A. Find content being linked to by sites with a ton of domain authority. You can use Site Explorer to do this.
B. Make content that’s better, longer, or more thorough.
C. Reach out to the same bloggers that linked to the original articles you researched, and share your newly created content.
D. Rake in the traffic and place yourself as the leader in the industry.

Sharing and acquiring backlinks can definitely be difficult but you have a good chance at winning backlinks with The Skyscraper Method.

This online space is constantly growing and the best thing that you can do is to learn as much as you can, as frequently as you can.  I know this sounds daunting but taking a few at least 15 minutes to check in every 2 weeks to do a little research and see what’s new in SEO can be a life saver for your business.


P.S. if you have any questions or need assistance feel free to connect with me on Facebook at and leave a  message.


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