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Hot Trends for Online Marketing in 2019!

According to a new article my, these are some of the areas to pay close attention to this year. It's also a great idea to get a good game plan in place to make sure you are taking full advantage  of them.

Here are some of the main areas to pay close attention to:

  • #1 Content marketing - this has featured consistently in the top 3 for several years. I think it's number 1 since content marketing can be applied by all types of business regardless of their sector or size and if the right strategy is followed can make an impact that supports communications across all touchpoint of the customer lifecycle. It fuels all digital channels from search, email and social media marketing. This makes having a defined content marketing strategy essential to competing in many sectors.
  • #2 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - This is an exciting 'new entry' into the top 5 and suggests that marketers now believe they will see a return from deploying the latest AI tools supporting the many marketing applications for AI we review in this infographic. Within AI, I believe the most popular marketing applications will enhance personalization and marketing automation which brings us to...
  • #3 Marketing automation and email marketing - This is also a perennial feature in our top five and it's no surprise since, like content marketing, it's effective for both B2C and B2B marketing. While some more mature organizations will make improvements through use of AI, other less mature businesses will benefit from improving the relevance and timing of their emails through using rules-based automation and personalization.
  • #4 Big Data (including market and customer insight and predictive analytics) - It's good to see big data in the top five since we believe in the power of data-driven marketing. The use of market and customer insight  tools such a Martech tools wheel is open to all businesses and I think is why this is a relatively popular choice.
  • #5 CRO and improving website experiences - This is the first time that CRO has featured in the top 5, which is again a sign of increased adoption of data-driven marketing as processes improve in organizations who can now run 'always-on' improvements using structured AB testing programs. There is also the option of new lower-cost tools including Google Optimize which is freely available.
As you can see, the more things change the more they stay the same. The same tools and data can help you make the right decisions and fortunately there are new easier ways to apply the information you gather in order to get your desired results. It just takes a little time and effort but it is well worth it when you get the results!

Happy Marketing, Cheers!


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