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Showing posts from August, 2012

LinkedIn Success Strategies!

Do you want to know how to create a strong profile on LinkedIn?  Which is the social networking tool for the elite. Think of LinkedIn as the online country club for which you have to apply for membership. Members of LinkedIn are authors, senior level managers, professional speakers, and corporate CEO’s. LinkedIn is a platform that allows you to connect with powerful people. Creating a strong LinkedIn profile will allow you to put yourself in a position of power. You will be viewed as someone on their level, and not as someone who is to be tolerated at arm’s length or completely disregarded altogether. The first part of a powerful profile is the picture. You need to have a photo, but not just any photo. Have a photo that shows you in a professional manner. I recommend men wear a tie and women wear a professional blouse. Make sure your hair is neat – no wild hair color, or crazy hair styles. You don’t have to pay a professional photographer, but you want a nice picture. You only get

Change the Questions You Ask Yourself!!

Questions are an important part of how we learn, grow, evolve and create. Nothing is created without someone asking a question first, and nothing is improved upon without a question being formulated. However, not all questions are created equal. There are some questions that evoke answers through creativity and ingenuity. Then there are those questions that cause tremendous stress and aggravation, which leads to questioning ourselves about whether we are capable of finding the answers. Learn what questions are the most conducive to manifesting everything you want. Asking the wrong questions can be the difference between being stuck in a holding pattern in our lives, or manifesting all of our desires so that we start living our dream life. We innately ask ourselves questions from the moment we learn to talk, and even before we are able to articulate words. If you have been around small children then you probably have been “why-ed” to death! Children will ask a barrage of why quest

Really Take the Challenge!

You know the average person appears content just getting by. But we all know that’s not really true! As we get older and take on more responsibility. It gets harder to be motivated to get up and do things we know we should do because they would benefit us in the long run.  Even the thought of taking on an additional activity can seem exhausting. But how will you ever get closer to a personal desire or goal if you don’t do something daily, even a small step, to reach it? We are in a constant time challenge, dealing with spouses, children, relatives and even friends. We are forced to juggle work, family obligations and social activities. This is just the way our society is structured, and it can certainly take a toll. So when someone approaches us and says, “Hey, I heard about this  90 day challenge to lose weight and get in shape  you wanna join me.” Now, I know the first thing that comes to my mind is “hmm…..hell to the no, I have waaay too much on to do already!” Now just

Onward to Success Using These Daily Strategies!

There are 3 components to this simple daily strategy for success, but the hardest part is committing yourself to actually doing it. Once you commit yourself, the rest is easy peasey.  Success doesn’t come by accident, once you decide what you want, you have to work at it daily. As you incorporate activities, no matter how small, into your daily routine which move you closer to your goal, you will to see a healthy momentum develop. This will help build your confidence and demystify the whole process of being successful.  Every great achiever implements daily rituals in their lives, so we want you to do the same: 1.  Begin a morning ritual which includes the following aspects: Spiritual  – This could include meditation, prayer, gratitude writing, etc. Some form of connection to your Spirit. Mental  – Reading inspiring books, watching videos, any material that will stimulate your mind positively.   Physical  – Yoga, walking in nature, exercise. You want to get your body in mot

Network Market Success Action Plan!

Anyone can master the art of Network Marketing with a little bit of effort. Whether you realize it or not, we all network in one form or another. It’s apart of our everyday life. Networking is a very broad concept that is used in all aspects of our life. In general, it’s about a supportive system of sharing information and services among people with common interests. It’s based on the question “How can I help you?” and not “What can you do for me?” Though the idea of Network Marketing can be intimidating and hard to understand, it is a very effective way of growing a business and gaining access to opportunities that you wouldn’t usually have. So how can you become a successful Network Marketer? Here are the guidelines that you can follow: 1.       Set your goals and expectations. It is very important to set goals because it helps you identify what you want to accomplish in your business, and the activities required to accomplish them. In the process of establishing your